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  • Mark A. Smith

New Beginnings

This is my first post on my new website that is being dedicatied to the honor and glory of my King. He is my Life, my Light, my Truth, my Way, and my Redeemer. Jesus Christ is everything to me and carries me through all my fiery trials in this life. He deserves my praise and thanksgiving, for without Christ I am nothing (Jn. 15:1).

Forgive me, if I may seem foolish; but I would also like to honor my family with this website; for they, too, have made my life a joy. They also have been patient and encouraging in my labor in making this possible. This is a service to them and to all who will listen. I also want to thank all who labor in the Word and prayer, who are helps, that feed and sustain God's children. Indeed all things are ours in Christ (1 Cor. 3:21), but the men who serve are Christ's; and we should treat them as such and give honor to whom honor is due; in material blessings as well as praise and thanksgiving (Isa. 61:7; 1 Tim. 5:17).

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Quote of the Month

The Glory of Christ
Christ's Glory as God's Representative 


In fact, the light of faith is given to us chiefly to enable us to behold the glory of God in Christ (2Cor.4:6). If we do not have this light which is given to believers by the power of God, we must be strangers to the whole mystery of the gospel. But when we behold the glory of God in Christ, we behold Christ's glory also. This is how the image of God is renewed in us, and how we are made like Christ. Anyone who thinks that this is unnecessary to Christian practice and for our sanctification does not know Christ, nor the gospel. Nor has he the true faith of the universal (catholic) church. This is the root from which all Christian duties arise and grow and by which they are distinguished from the works of heathens. He is not a Christian who does not believe that faith in the person of Christ is the source and motive of all evangelical obedience or who does not know that faith rests on the revelation of the glory of God in Christ. To deny these truths would overthrow the foundation of faith and would demolish true religion in the heart. So it is our duty daily to behold by faith the glory of Christ! 

John Owen; pg. [22]

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