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Quote of the Month

The Glory of Christ
The Glory of Christ in His Person 


The second thing in which we may behold the glory of Christ, given to him by his Father, is the mystery of his person. He is God and man in one person. In him are two distinct natures, the one, eternal, infinite, immense, almighty, the form and essence of God; the other having a beginning in time, finite, limited, confined to a certain place, which is our nature. This nature he took to himself when he was the Word made flesh to dwell among us. This is a glory so wonderful that the spiritually blind world cannot see his light and beauty and so deny the incarnation of God in one man. Nevertheless, this glory is our practice of righteousness, the glory of the church, the only rock upon which our salvation was shaped with clay as the only source of present grace and future glory.

John Owen; pg. [28





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