Mark A. Smith
Nov 3, 20234 min read
Why Are You A Guest Of The Lord Of Hosts?
2Cor.6:14 “You are not to become unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what (partnership) does righteousness have with lawlessness, or...
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The Glory of Christ
The Glory of Christ in His Person
This is that glory which angels long to behold, the mystery they 'desire to look into' (1Pet.1:12). This desire of theirs was represented by the cherubim in the most holy place of the tabernacle, which were symbols of the ministry of angels in the church. This glory is the ruin of Satan and his kingdom. Satan's sin, as far as we can know, ... was his pride against the sovereignty of the person of the Son of God by whom he was created (Col.1:16). By this, his destruction is accompanied with everlasting shame in attempting to overthrow infinite wisdom but was himself overthrown by the power of the two natures in one person (Gen.3:15, 22). [*This is the glory that angels desire to look into but cannot possess because of the nature in which the fallen had sinned against God according to the likeness of their nature being created in perfection (Rom5:14; Ezk.28:12-15).]
John Owen; pg. [28-29]